
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chapter 5

  In Chapter 5 of The Connected Educator, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Kani Ritter Hall explore the power of using tools to support connected learning. The authors examine how using the right tools can build capacity for learning by fostering meaningful relationships, developing strong personal connections, and fostering spaces for collaboration, exploration, and creativity. By utilizing tools such as social media, online platforms, and learning support, educators can empower learners to access knowledge that expands their learning horizons. In note-taking and archiving online sources for learning, there are many ways to bookmark or take note of what to add. There are also many sources that allow communication between educators to happen and many mediums by which educators can learn, from blogs and microblogs to podcasts and readers. There are many sources, depending on how the individual connects with others, to take note of when expanding educational horizons As a marketing major, I can


                    As someone who struggles to communicate, Grammarly is such a great application for being able to communicate properly, with the proper grammar and spelling, and to convey the correct tone and ideas across to the individual you are struggling to get your information to. I found this application personally critical because communicating appropriately creates efficiency with how to get your information across, and it also helps to bring a more formal and amicable tone to the reader about what your objectives and goals are.            Grammarly is such an innovative platform wherein you can edit what your sentence is conveying to your audience, it allows you the freedom to express what you wish to write, but it also aids in creating a better form of clarity within your writing as to be able to convey what you find important to your audience in a correct manner where there is less confusion about what your thesis or main idea is. No matter how bogged up or how much write