Connected Educator

      In this day and age we are now at a point where there are multiple spheres of data, ones that connect on a more intimate and communal level, and others on a more mass data producing realm wherein information can create a sense of mixed signals on the individual. Luckily though there are ways to organize and still benefit from the information given, or such an amazing form of immediate communicating such that there is a greater growth for the individual processing this information. 

With my major, such as Marketing, and possibly Business Analytics, it is crucial to sift through the massive amount of information that is being sent to you in a timely manner, which is very frightening, but a great challenge. From the second chapter in the Connected Educator it is remarked that there are multiple forms of how information is processed and digested from the internet in a way that makes the educator self reflect, learn, and implement those teaching processes on the student in such a way that is filtered through, such as the communication "pockets" of small communities within the local area of teachers, parents, and administrators, to the vast data that could be aided to giving the teacher the most efficient, and concise form of preforming the needed tasks at hand.

 Though as amazingly efficient the world wide web is, it is still how you process and communicate with that information which is critical. for example most individual businesses may communicate with Google Sheets rather than Excel, or use Slack rather than Gmail or Zoom to communicate. all of these channels are such a benefit to consider as an individual going into this field of business, how to be connected to other likeminded individuals and communities outside of your coworkers to be able to problem solve tasks allows for professional growth and confidence in such a field as marketing is a huge plus. The biggest niche is how you as an individual can choose to learn them. for example in the Connected Educator it describes the "Three Pronged Approach" wherein you can learn based on, what I viewed as "Structure Type." Such as Team, group, or an individualistic approach (Nussbaum-Beach, 35). These different types, which to me allowed me to understand how individual data collection and collaborative platforms to communicate with co workers are critical for professional growth and growth for the companies I hope to work under as a whole.

Nussbaum-Beach, S., & Hall, L. R. (2012). The connected educator learning and leading in a Digital age. Solution Tree Press.


  1. Mary I think it is cool that you shared the possible number of devices connected to the red as well as its future prospects. This gives a better understanding and representation of how the modern day world is so intimately connected by technology and its more specific points like social media, business networking, and even the gaming industry if you were are into that. I think that this knowledge serves you the best as your major delves into the more complex and specific aspects of marketing which is majorly done now by software programs. My question here will be a little more suggestive and personal. Knowing that ai technology is developing at a steady pace, do you fear at some point in your life you would be at risk of being replaced by ai capable of doing marketing and managing softwares? These programs are at a point where they are able to calculate margins and offer possible data off of simulations so I would be a little concerned but not at the point where I think I would be laid off.

  2. Hi Mary. I agree with you that in today's society, we as a whole, are faced with immense amounts of work. This causes all of us to juggle our tasks creating challenges to rise. I also liked how you mentioned how beneficial it is to be organized. There are many softwares and programs that allow us to stay organized. With all of the work we are doing, needing to keep organized is a must. Great post.

  3. I completely agree with your point that within the business marketing field it is crucial to be able to look through lots of information and determine what is most important. The three prongs mentioned in chapter 2 of the text allow for an influx of new knowledge and information from many sources. These learning communities can include other employees from your job, and can also expand to individuals around the world who share the same interests. Having access to knowledge from all across the world can act as an advantage, if professionals are able to understand what is most important.

  4. Hi Mary, I agree with you completely that now society as a whole expects a lot more of us because of the amount of resources, and advances in technology we have. Especially as a marketing major as well because eventually all of promoting will be online and virtual.


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