Chapter 6- building your personal network community

  In chapter 6 I found it very interesting on how it aids and describes how to grow your personal network. A personal network is where you have a more of a discussion thread format, and a more of a close knit network to communicate with to discuss and test ideas. The author suggestions on using forums such as Twitter and creating a blog, allows more of a professional aura and also allows the individual to vet whom is coming into that community as well as creating a space that is a healthy space of growth, rather than what she writs as "a big link-sharing party" (Beach, Hall, 92). I've found that online forums such as Reddit and LinkedIn do a similar format if you allow it to. Reddit is beneficial in a way wherein you can get into a discussion format on the proper channels which will help you meet individuals which you wouldn't normally meet, in a way that helps you grow in the field of experience your in. From Jiu-Jitsu to fly fishing, you can create discussion forums or as questions wherein your question is talked about and answered from varying people of experience from armatures to pros. it at some point is difficult due to the oversaturation of information, but within the channels of reddit I found much like the author of The connected Educator that its a great platform to ask odd or difficult questions in any specified field of experience.

    What I appreciate about LinkedIn, is that though it is more of a "formal and educated" platform from reddit, it also does a similar action of connecting the people whom have a subject based interest to each other. I found that LinkedIn is more helpful than Reddit though wherein it has more of a professional and marketing mindset and it also has a more business savvy and building mindset, rather than reddit, which is just trying to get people and information together and it's a much more informal platform (though I have found so many helpful Excel tips from there!).



    The author also touched upon formalities when she discussed vetting your network, and making sure your group is "trustworthy" so to speak and that you should create an online space where you are diversifying yourself to new experiences and putting those new ideas into practice, but making sure that it's moderated and vetted in a healthy manner. These practices, done in a healthy manner can create a community which constantly grows and evolves from that process and is able to quickly test and retest thoughts and ideas to the point where they are a flowing part of your process, regardless of where the individual works.


Nussbaum-Beach, S., & Hall, L. R. (2012). The connected educator: Learning and leading in a Digital age. Solution Tree Press.




  1. Having a open mind and allowing yourself to be diverse is key. You can learn so much from different people, practice it and apply it. As you stated these practices can create communities that are going to continue to evolve. I had LinkedIn for some time and did not know how to properly use it till this class. I can not wait to connect with different teachers and brainstorm ideas and apply it to the classroom.


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